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Three commandments of fleet management for constructionThree commandments of fleet management

The Three Commandments of Fleet Management

“If the equipment is working, it’s an asset, but if it’s not working, it’s a liability.”

Mike Vorster, Professor and Author of Construction Equipment Economics

Construction Equipment asset management software that ensures your equipment is always operating to its fullest.
Our construction equipment tracking software ensures your machines helps increase your machine production

Perfect your utilization

More machine utilization means more machine production. More machine production means a cheaper unit rate for owning assets, which increases your operation profit.

Our construction equipment tracking software ensures your machines helps to increase your fleets reliability

Increase your reliability

If a machine is down, you can’t work. And if you can’t work, you can’t make money. Clue helps you reduce the number and duration of these events.

Our construction equipment tracking software ensures your machines get the most out of your fleet life.

Optimize your fleet size

Machines kept too long incur labor, parts and repair costs. Machines not kept long enough increase your money-per-hour spend. Clue helps you find the right balance.

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