Excavator working on site
Construction fleet management softwareConstruction fleet management software

Clue + Vista

Clue + Vista Streamlines Equipment Operations So You Can Optimize Equipment Operations by 75%

Clue offers a direct API integration that extends the capabilities of Viewpoint Vista. It transforms how you manage your wealth of data related to equipment, jobs, work orders, timecards, parts inventory, and more. Imagine consistently accurate numbers, providing a comprehensive overview of equipment costs at your fingertips.

Sync data directly into Vista Construction Software

Turbocharge equipment operations effortlessly

Boost your work orders and timecard accuracy ten-fold with historical data.

Get up and running with seamless integration in under an hour.

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Equipment tracking dashboard

Viewpoint Vista Integration

With Vista, users get an exhaustive integrated solution for medium to large-sized construction companies, specifically designed for general, heavy highway, and civil contractors. They offer a feature-rich set for all your project management, business intelligence, project collaboration, accounting, estimating, mobile, document management, service management, and more.

When you integrate Clue with Vista for complex construction projects, the workflow becomes streamlined, making the process swift and efficient. This saves you time spent on manual time entry and IT development costs.

Benefits of an Integrated, Intuitive Construction Software

  • Report mechanic timecards from Clue to Viewpoint, eliminating errors

  • Sync Viewpoint's equipment list with 50+ OEM telematics and GPS providers

  • Reconcile Viewpoint's machine hours with actual usage from VisionLink, Samsara.

  • Send meter readings from GPS trackers like Samsara, Geotab, & Verizon to Viewpoint Vista.

  • Create work orders in Clue and seamlessly sync them with Viewpoint - work order numbers, parts & status updates.

Integration Requirements

  • Viewpoint Enterprise Cloud (VEC)

  • Vista by Viewpoint (Version 6.11.3 and newer)

See Other Integrations

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Clue + Vista by Viewpoint
Complete Construction Equipment Management Solutions




EMEM - Equipment Data

Equipment list including Asset Details, Purchase History, and any Custom Fields

Equipment Rentals Data, Equipment Meter Readings, Location, Equipment Status (e.g., mark for sale)

JCJM - Jobs Data

Projects (Jobs) List, Job Status (Active/Inactive)

Equipment Job Allocation (Which equipment is assigned to what job - via assignment, dispatch, or job charges)

Work Orders

Work Order History, Costs History, Work Order Parts

Create a New Work Order, Assign Work Order Number


Mechanic Timecards

Input, Update, Create New Timecard


Parts Inventory

Parts Inventory Level

Additional Data From
Key Vista Tables Including:

  • EMEM: Equipment Management

  • JCJM: Projects

  • EMRD: Equipment Revenue Detail

  • EMRB: Equipment Revenue Batch

  • EMCD: Equipment Cost Detail

  • EMMR: Equipment Meter Readings

  • EMWH: Work Orders - Header

  • EMWI: Work Orders - Items

  • PRTH: Work Order Payroll

  • PRTB: Work Order Payroll Batch

  • EMSX: Shops

  • EMCC: Equipment Cost Codes

  • JCJP: Phase Group

  • EMAR: Equipment Revenue

  • EMMC: Equipment Costs

  • EMRR: Revenue Codes

  • (Equipment Rates)

  • EMCM: Equipment Category

  • PRJC: Payroll Group

  • Equipment Details, Purchase History, Custom Fields

  • Projects (Jobs) List, Job Status

  • Equipment Rental Information

  • Meter Readings For Equipment

  • Status Of Equipment (E.G., Marked For Sale)

  • Assignment Of Equipment To Jobs (Via Assignment, Dispatch, Or Job Charges)

  • Work Order History, Parts, Costs

  • Details Of Work Order Items

  • Budget Details For Projects

  • Project Details, Such As Phases, Costs

  • Subcontract Details

  • Details Of Cost Codes

  • Details Of Job Phases

  • Accounts Receivable Details

  • Employee Details

  • Equipment Maintenance Records

  • Equipment Condition Records

  • Project Job Cost Details

Industry Measured Results

See how Integrating Clue with Vista by Viewpoint helps project managers track equipment throughout their project lifecycle more efficiently.

Up to 90%

Administration Cost Reduction


Boost In Equipment Utilization

Interested? Reach out and request access now. We will be in touch in 24 hours!

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