How Equipment Procurement Decisions Are Enhanced by Analytics

Oded Ran

Oded Ran

Oded Ran, CEO and Co-Founder of Clue since 2019, expertly integrates AI and data tools to revolutionize construction equipment management and maintenance, positioning Clue as a premier software choice in the construction industry.

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Equipment procurement is necessary for a business of any size. You want to find the right equipment at the right price, ensure it is delivered on time, and perform accordingly.

This is why companies have dedicated procurement teams that look into data and performance to determine where and when the company needs equipment procurement.

While traditional procurement methods can be time-consuming and result in missed opportunities, analytics for equipment procurement can be a quick and easy way to sort through data and make informed decisions.

What is the Role of Analytics in Equipment Procurement?

infographics showing Big data analytics in procurement
Source - C1 India

Advanced analytics can help procurement teams easily make strategic decisions by providing real-time data.

Since collecting and sorting through data from multiple sources manually can be a tough task, analytics can provide all the required data, including purchase orders, supplier quotes, industry trends, and external factors, within seconds. 

Analytics empower procurement teams and make procurement of supplies easier with valuable insights in all the necessary areas.

Key Analytics Techniques and Impacts on Procurement

Analytic techniques are a great way to make strategic decisions easy. Looking at past data and correlating it with newer purchases can help project managers make fast decisions.

Here are a few key analytics and their impacts on procurement to help you get started:

Spending Analytics

Want to negotiate better with your suppliers and vendors? Spending analytics can help with that. Spending analytics analyzes past spending patterns and helps identify areas for cost reduction. 

These cost reductions can help you optimize your overall equipment spend, opening room in your budgets.

Demand Forecasting

Demand forecasting is a great way to limit overstocking or understocking. The process predicts the future by examining current and past trends, schedules, and tracking assets.

You can reduce the risk of overstocking or stockouts through demand forecasting by ensuring equipment is available when needed.

Supplier Performance Analytics

Reliable suppliers and vendors are the backbone of a successful procurement operation. 

So, if you want to find and build a strong working relationship with your vendors, supplier performance analytics is the key.

Supplier performance analytics tracks supplier performance, the vendor procurement process, delivery, quality, and pricing to give you the best option for suppliers.

Contract Management Analytics

Procurement teams can negotiate favorable terms for existing and new contracts through contract management analytics.

The process works by analyzing existing contract terms and agreements and identifying potential risks and areas for improvement.

Risk Assessment with Predictive Analytics

Infographics showing Data sources used for procurement analytics
Source - CDN

Risks and issues are among the biggest problems for a procurement team. 

The process uses historical data and machine learning to predict potential risks and how they can impact equipment purchases and usage.

Data gathered through the process can also help identify specific equipment that needs repairs, helping the team provide proper equipment maintenance measures.

Benefits of Analytics in Procurement

Procurement analytics are helpful, not just in procurement. They are valuable for the whole organization and can benefit all departments.

Let’s check out a few of the benefits of analytics in procurement.

Cost Reduction and Efficient Spending Management

Data analytics can provide procurement teams with a spending layout by looking at current and historical spending data.

Procurement managers can use this layout to highlight areas where extra money is being spent. This can help save the business money in the long run.

Using this data, team managers can highlight the vendors they spend the most on and research new vendors that can provide the equipment at a better cost.

Enhanced Supplier Relationships

You will find your business's best-suited vendors and suppliers when you rely on data and figures.

Data analytics can help you find areas where the vendors might not be performing well, giving you the opportunity to look for new and better vendors.

Improved Forecasting Accuracy

Accurate data forecasting makes it easier for procurement teams to know where a piece of equipment might be needed and plan accordingly.

This helps minimize disruptions and delays in the operations and thus provides overall better efficiency for the business.

Strategic Risk Management

Having accurate data ensures better planning for delays or shortages.

Using construction equipment maintenance software also prevents unexpected breakdowns, reducing risks and ensuring smooth operations.

Discovering New Procurement Opportunities

We have discussed how cost-saving data analytics can be, but did you know it can also help you identify patterns or trends in your data?

The procurement team can use these trends to find more areas with cost-effective procurement possibilities.

How to Integrate Analytics into Procurement Processes

Implementing any new process in a business comes with particular challenges, from the steps involved in integrating the system to overcoming issues that might arise.

Keeping that in mind, let’s briefly look at how you can implement analytics for equipment procurement in your business and its challenges.

Steps to Implement Analytics in Procurement

infographics Procurement process automation
Source - Media.LICDN

Implementing analytics for equipment procurements requires some simple steps, but they can be a game-changer for procurement processing.

You can look at all the steps you need to follow here:

  1. Clarify Your Objectives - Define clear objectives for your equipment procurement strategy. Clear goals are very important, whether cost reduction, performance enhancement, or risk mitigation.
  2. Collect and Organize Data - Collect all the relevant data about your equipment and make sure it is accurate and organized. 
  3. Choose the Correct Tools -  Choosing the correct tools is crucial since they will enable you to examine the data from your equipment. Seek tools that can quickly streamline procedures, such as Clue.
  4. Obtain Insights - Sift through your data to identify patterns and particular insights. These insights can help you make decisions in the future.
  5. Visualize Data - Create graphs and graphics for your data to assist your team in quickly simplifying complicated insights.
  6. Track KPIs -  Set up key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the effectiveness of your equipment management initiatives. Verify that these KPIs align with your aims and objectives.
  7. Assess Suppliers - Assess your suppliers' delivery, cost, and quality performance. This will help you ensure that the vendors you choose for your company are trustworthy.

Overcoming Common Data Challenges

The following are some major challenges you must overcome when implementing analytics for equipment procurement in your business processes:

  • Data security and privacy concerns are at the top of the list because a simple data breach can cost the company a major financial loss. So, when implementing a new process to your existing ones, use strong security measures.
  • Since normal businesses don’t deal with a large volume of data, implementing analytics can be challenging, as this requires storing large volumes of data.
  • Resistance is also a big challenge that procurement managers might face when implementing analytics since workers are comfortable and used to their existing methods and might not accept changes.
  • Since data analytics rely on technology, you must keep up with technological advancements to ensure your data is reliable and current.
  • Efficient data management requires continuous improvement and monitoring to ensure that all processes are updated and to identify any necessary changes in the existing systems.

Technological Tools and Solutions

Advanced analytics and software solutions like Clue can help you make cohesive procurement decisions. 

Data analytics are valuable for gaining insights into equipment requirements, their working, and most importantly, their management.

Equipment management software like Clue offers procurement managers the insights they need into their equipment and its needs without them having to use various programs.

Using all the data the procurement team has collected with analytics, procurement managers can easily and swiftly make decisions when needed.


By using advanced analytics, procurement teams can move beyond traditional data collection methods and make data-driven decisions that benefit procurement efficiency.

Using data analytics for equipment procurement can help procurement and project managers significantly reduce costs, be more strategic, and enjoy healthy working relationships with suppliers and vendors.


What is procurement analytics?

Procurement analytics involves gathering and analyzing data related to procurement to gain business insights and make better decisions. This process includes collecting data from different sources and ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning systems) and organizing it into standard categories or specific use cases.

How can analytics help your procurement department?

Analytics can help your procurement department by providing insights into supplier prices, identifying trends, and comparing prices across different products. This helps improve procurement decisions and can also enhance relationships with suppliers.

How is procurement data used in decision-making?

Procurement data is analyzed to uncover trends and insights that aid in better decision-making. This analysis helps identify cost-saving opportunities and improve supplier relationships. E-procurement tools and techniques make it easier to analyze this data effectively.

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